Wednesday, 15 September 2010


Hello and welcome to our site.
First of all let me introuduce you to ourselves, as mentioned in the About us column we are Glynn Wrapson and Keven Doidge.
These blogs will be about our work, interests and stories relating to same. 
I have been in the horticultural industry even before leaving school. This is because my father was a landscape gardener, (he is now retired) and he used to take me to work with him during the summer holidays, this also from a very young age, indeed I remember being taken to a project in Sussex (where I originally hail from) and I guess I must have been quite young as I took my buggy/go cart to this site. It was in fact the soon to be completed by-pass road on the A27 (Glyndebourne area) and whilst he was planting and seeding the embankment I was giving the empty section of road it's first use!!!
Anyway I soon learnt that by pushing the odd wheelbarrow of turf that my dad would sing my praises and give me a bit of pocket money! This developed into a school holiday kind of thing and soon my descision of what to do when I left school was easily made.
Upon leaving school I attended college to do a City and Guilds in Amenity and Decorative Horticulture for about 3 years. Then after a few years landscaping with dad I developed a real passion for plants and so my dad developed within his company a 'garden maintenance' section.
In the late 80's they moved to Cornwall and I stayed in Sussex gardening until I moved down to North Cornwall to again work for my dad in 1995.
I decided to go back to college in 2002 where I did a full time 2 year Foundation Degree course in Garden Design and Plantsmanship. This included for a few weeks working in the National Botanical Gardens of Cuba in Havanna. After leaving college I went on to run a succesful plant nursery with my then partner. This contained such an amazing array of plants that I further developed my passion for plants and would often dream of plant studying expeditions to temperate zones of the world.
During this period Keven and I started our landscaping company, at the time called Elysian Landscapes, we travelled around Cornwall on many projects and now we have decided to rename the company as you see on this site.
A bit about Keven now, he is a very creative and talented person who has worked in the building industry, favouring restoration projects and the landscape industry. He was born in Millbrook in South East Cornwall, where he also worked until moving to Falmouth in 2000.
Over the years  he has developed a passion for wood, and has spent many years carving and sculpting wood, many of which have been installed in landscape and community landscape projects. He also spent time creating bespoke furniture.
So we can bring to projects an array of skills, knowledge and experience, as well as our likeable natures and honest work ethic!!