Saturday, 15 December 2012

Trellis work

North Cornwall is the location for this work in progress.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Cobblestone path

We just finished this work in Penzance. It started as a garden clearance with a driveway to gravel.

Then we called in the digger driver..

And now we have a blank canvas with which we may create!

 We reused the large pile of granite onsite for re-edging the entrance way..
 Then added to the brief was cobbling.

The process of cobblestone laying is most  pleasant indeed!


Now we are nearly there, just a small area to turf

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Newly designed ad

We have been working on a new ad using free software and a photograph from one of our past projects..... Quite pleased with the result :)))

Monday, 19 March 2012


Spot (the) Light
In a few days we have the beginnings of a hefty wall going up.

With a break of a week or so for half term we arrived back to continue this section of the wall.

Bit grim down at sea level though.

Blockwork Begins

Into February and the blockwork phase begins....

Now we are into the month of February, we think to ourselves that as the days are getting longer we might be able to get an after work surf in!!! 

Monday, 12 March 2012

Praa Sands

Something special about sunsets, this taken at Praa last night, such beauty!!...

As mentioned the next stage is the pouring of the footings

A good foundation is always essential!

Keven 'de-bubbling' the concrete 

Now, let the blockwork begin!!...

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Into 2012..

Coast to Coasts's first project of the year sees us working in Praa Sands, a beautiful part of the coastline of Cornwall.

We are working on a terracing job on a site that is very steeply sloping. The original terracing work had very shallow footings with 4 inch concrete blocks and had started to move, crack and crumble.
We started in Mid January and Timmy our mini digger man came and dug the footings.

Huge footings were needed due to the sloping site, and a roughly 15 tonne pile of topsoil and subsoil stored on-site ready to be recycled back into the beds.

Next will be the pouring of the footings.....