Thursday, 24 January 2013

Spring in Winter

Carrying  out a winter tidy up in this coastal south Cornwall garden, we came across more than 20 flowering shrubs and perennials.

This variegated Camelia suffers salt laden gales throughout the year and yet it is a huge thriving plant.

Above is Euryops pectinatus, one of many in the garden fully in bloom.
And this is another South African Euryops the species being chrysanthemoides... Another 2 species are grown in this garden, virgineus, which is also flowering now and tysonii and all yellow!!

A delightful little Fuchsia encliandra subsp. encliandra. So dainty and long flowering too.
Also on show in the garden are Rosmary, Viburnum tinus still going strong over the winter, Hebe's, Osteospermum's. Dotted all around the garden are Echium pininana, whose flower spikes are beginning to elongate now, so very soon spring will really be here.... Now if only the weather can play ball!!