Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Trellis work update

The trellis is now complete and the pergola is up

With all the rain we have had the ground is very sodden.

Sadly, this Eucalyptus gunnii has to be moved. Hopefully the transplant will work!
All that remains is to notch in the top rafters and screw in place.
We used 3x3" inch posts for the trellis. 6x4' pannels with clearance of about a foot to ensure the woodwork is free standing from the soil.
We then used 6 posts at 4x4" for the pergola, with the joists being 6x2". Having a double row of joists gives a great aesthetic look.
The rafters are 5x2", with a simple Japanese detail. These will be notched in at an inch depth